Collin & Avery Funnies
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Camping Trip
Tony decided to take Collin camping last weekend. The campground was not far from the house so Avery & I went to help them get set up. The campground had tent sites, cabins and tree houses. Tony asked Collin where he wanted to sleep & of course he said treehouse. When Avery & I left them, my car thermometer read 95 degrees - it was HOT! They had fun fishing, eating junk food & roasting hot dogs & smores. At 9:00 that night, I hear the laundry room door open & see Collin. They didn't even make it the night! Collin was playing with the flashlight & saw a bug in the treehouse & freaked out screaming that he wanted to go home. So Tony packed up & they came home.

Avery & her ear tube surgery
Avery had tubes put in her ears the first part of July. She did great! She was very tired and cranky for a few days, but after that she was her usual busy little self. Big brother went on a vacation to Ocala for a few days to visit Nanny and Papa. He had a fun time & got to eat lots of ribs, hot dogs and drink Coke. ;)

Disney World - Magic Kingdom
Mom and John took the kids & I to the Magic Kingdom in June after the Family Reunion. We had a BLAST. Collin rode ALL of the rides (even Space Mountain) and told me that he wanted to build a Space Mountain ride in the backyard. Avery was a little angel the whole day. The only time she freaked out was at lunch when the Winnie the Pooh characters made their rounds to our table. She got very upset and tried to kick Tigger! All in all we had a great time! :)