Collin & Avery Funnies

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Video Game Mania

Collin got a Star Wars Video Game for his birthday. He got it so that "My Dad and I can play a video game together." Here is a picture of Tony & Collin playing the game together.

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Collin lost a tooth!!

Collin's tooth has lost his first tooth. It told us a few weeks ago that his tooth felt loose. Then one afternoon, he says "Mom, I think I lost my tooth." Sure enough, he lost a tooth! He was so excited to put his tooth under his pillow for the tooth fairy!! :)

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Brother & Sister Pictures

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Avery's Coat

Avery is so small and petite that her winter coat just swallows her up. It was in the 30's when these pictures were taken. She looked like Maggie Simpson. The coat was so top heavy that she after I sat her on the floor, she fell completely back. She couldn't get her balance. It was the funniest thing! Collin enjoyed watching this & kept sitting her up hoping she would fall back again. Well she figured out how to balance & didn't fall again.

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Collin's Christmas Program

Collin's class sang "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" at his school Christmas program. It was so cute! Here are some pictures of Collin & Avery before we left and some pictures of his performance. He is wearing the grey Rudolph shirt.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Kids Pictures

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Pictures of Avery

Here are a couple cute pix of Avery. The first 2 are of her sitting in her high chair with her leg all propped up. She LOVES to sit like that. It just shows her relaxed laid back personality.

The next 2 pictures are of Avery playing in the laundry basket.

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Daddy's Girl

Avery is turning into a little Daddy's Girl. She jsut LOVES her daddy. When she sees Tony, she gets all excited and waves her arms and squeals. It is so cute!

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Collin's Birthday!!

We just can't believe that Collin turned 5 this year! Where has the time gone? Collin started off his birthday by waking us up asking if he could open his presents. He got a Hot Wheels toy that he had been eyeing, some Star Wars figures, books, a DVD, a pair of Cowboy Boots, clothes, a Santa Claus hat and a gift card. He used his gift card to buy a Star Wars video game "so daddy and I can play a game together." Just like his daddy, he loves video games!

A little boy in Collin's class got some Cowboy Boots a couple months ago & ever since then all the boys in the class have wanted a pair. He wore his new Cowboy Boots to school & was very excited about that. Halfway through his school day, Avery and I showed up with cupcakes, drinks, Cars party hats and giftbags. We sang Happy Birthday and played some games. He had a great time celebrating his birthday with his class.

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Avery's 8 month Bear pictures

Here are Avery's 8 month Bear pictures. She is growing more and more each day.

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The cousins at Thanksgiving

Here are a couple pics from trip to Brian's house at Thanksgiving. Collin had so much fun with the cousins (especially John). He couldn't wait to see John and "play Star Wars with him."

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Collin bungee jumping

At Thanksgiving, we went to the mall and they had one of those indoor bungee jumps. Collin was **DYING** to try it & was begging and begging to do it. So I let him jump. He had a blast. Once he figured out how to do back flips, he just kept flipping and flipping. Afterward he told me that at first his tummy was a little nervous, but then it stopped & he had fun. Here are two 15 second video clips that I took with my camera along with some regular pictures from my camera.

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