Collin & Avery Funnies

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Brother & Sister

Here are some cute pictures I took yesterday. I am going to try and take a picture of Avery each month next to her Cinderella teddy bear to kind of "track & compare" how big she is getting. Below is the first picture of her next to her bear. She is almost 4 weeks old.

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Avery: 2 weeks old

Here are some pictures of Avery from last week. She is already changing more and more each day. Her hair is starting to get darker versus the blond when she was born. I've also noticed that her eyes are getting bigger like Collin's. Everyday she is more and more alert. She has been spoiled the last couple weeks with everyone holding her all the time & now that's her favorite thing. She is such a little snuggler that it's hard not to hold her constantly. She is a very good content baby - very happy go lucky / go with the flow. She is sleeping 4-5 hour stretches at night, which is great for a 2 week old. We took Collin to the movies last weekend & baby slept through the movie and then slept while we ran errands. We were wondering if she would be up all night, but she wasn't - she slept her regular 5 hours before waking up.

She is such a little doll baby. And SO different from her big brother when he was this age. We are all smitten with her. Collin loves her more than anything. We have heard him whisper to her "I love you Avery" or "I'm your big brother Collin." It is so cute. All he wants to do is give her kisses and love on her. If he doesn't see her, he will ask "where is our baby?" He has also said that she is "beautiful and gorgeous" and once he told me "I could just eat her up." When she cries, he will come investigate, see what's wrong and then tell her "it's ok, shh, don't cry, it's ok." He is so happy to be a big brother.

We are so glad that he is having this reaction versus resenting/hating her. But it is challenging reminding him constantly to BE GENTLE. And of course he wants to love on her when she's asleep. She takes most of it pretty well. There have only been a couple times where she has gotten "mad" with him and cried. Once was a couple days ago. She was content in her carseat & then she starts crying. I ask him what's wrong & he replies "I shoved my cookie in her face." I'm sure it will take some time for him to understand that she's fragile.

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Baby Avery has arrived!!!

Avery was born on March 24 at 10:17am via scheduled c-section. She

weighed in at 8lbs 6 oz and was 20 1/4 inches long. Here are some

pictures from the hospital.
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