Collin & Avery Funnies
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
The Jax Fair
We took the kids to the Jacksonville Fair last weekend. It was very cold that night (in the 50's) so we had to break out our coats and bundle up. Avery was bundled up in so many layers and then wrapped in blankets. She looked so cute! Collin had a blast playing the cheesy games & riding the rides. Tony took him on some fast rides. When they got off Collin told Tony "that made my tummy a little nervous." It was cute. We also went and looked at all the animals and agricultural stuff. Collin got to shuck some corn (which he thought was pretty cool). We had a great time.

Collin was so excited for Halloween to come this year. His school had 2 Halloween parties (one on Monday & then one on Tuesday). He couldn't wait for Tony to get home to take him trick or treating. Collin wore his Spiderman costume and Avery went as a UGA Cheerleader. Avery stayed at home with me and passed out candy. Her bedtime is pretty early, so she wasn't up for much of the festivities. Once Collin filled up his bucket, they came home and we let Collin hand out candy to the kids.

Jacksonville Air Show
The Blue Angels were in town for the Jax air show. The 4 of us went, but baby & I left after an hour or so. It was just way too hot out there and baby needed to go down for a nap. So Tony and Collin stayed and looked at all the planes & then watched the Blue Angels. Collin had a great time. Of course his favorite part was the toy airplane that Tony bought him. The airplane is a little replica Blue Angel plane. Collin refers to it as his "Blue Agent." I told him it was a "Blue Angel" and he sternly told me "No Mom, it's a BLUE AGENT."

Miss Sassy Pants sticks out her tongue
Avery's latest tricks are to stick out her tongue. I think she just "found" her tongue and has learned how to stick it out. It is too cute!! She will also make a snorting noise by blowing air very enthusiastically thru her nose. We have made it a little game where we will do the snort noise to her and then she does it back, etc. It's always cute when she "starts" the game because she will have this cute little smirk on her face. It cracks us up!! She also likes to shake her head no. We will ask her a question and she will shake her head no - TOO CUTE!!

Our Little Georgia Bulldogs
Our family was all decked out for the big Georgia Florida Football Game. We went to Sam's Club prior to the game starting and everyone kept commenting on how cute Avery was in her cheerleader outfit. Her bow is just adorable and arrived from Nana JUST in time to be worn on gameday. A few people came up to me and said "She sure is cute but would look even cuter in a little Florida Gator outfit." I told them that her daddy would not allow her to wear anything in blue and orange.

Collin's first day of school (again!)
Collin has started school!! I found a PreK for Collin to go to. He goes to school Monday thru Friday for 3 hours per day. He LOVES it. His class has 10 kids and 8 of them are boys. He was so excited to be in a class full of boys!! He loves his teacher and has made so many friends. Prior to Collin's first day, the teacher told the kids that there would be a new student and his name was Collin, etc. So on his first day, the kids were all like "Collin come sit with me" and introducing themselves, etc. It was so cute! A few of the moms told me that their child had been telling them "Collin will be starting school in a few days."
His teacher "evaluated" him and said that he is in an advanced group for reading as well as math. She was also impressed that he knows all of his letters, the sounds they make and that he is trying to form the words to read. Tony and I were very excited to hear that news. :)