Beach Vacation Pictures
Last week we went on our vacation to the Beach. We had SOOOO much fun.
This is the 4th year we have been. Each year it is a different
experience because Collin is a little older and can do different things
each time.
This year, Tony took Collin golfing with him and bought Collin his own
golf club. Collin had fun playing in the sand traps and washing his
golf ball in the ball washer. He also tried to drive the golf cart
(without Tony in the cart) and as Tony was putting a ball, he looks up
and Collin has hit a ball right at him! It was a fun outing for both of
them. Less than 5 minutes after they came back, Collin fell asleep
standing up against the couch - he was worn out!
While they were golfing, I rode my bike into Seaside and painted a chip
& dip bowl at the pottery studio. I had so much fun, the next day
Tony went and painted a serving platter and Collin painted a tile. It
has been neat to have some mementos to remind us of this vacation.
We had several fun beach outings. Each visit to the beach, Collin got
more and more comfortable getting in the water. Then he decided he
didn't want to wear his bathing suit and he stripped down naked.
I finally convinced him to at least wear his underwear. He built sand
castles, flew his "super kite", fished with Tony, collected shells, and
had a great time all around. We think this was the best beach vacation
to date!

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