Miss Priss is standing up & crawling!!!
Well it sure didn't take long for Avery to figure out how to crawl and stand up. She officially started crawling at 6 1/2 months. About a week later she started standing up. We think that she will be walking at Christmas. Her little crawl is so cute. She tucks one leg under and then uses the other leg to push off. Collin loves that she is crawling, but it brings on new issues. She likes to crawl to his toys & "play" with them. Collin doesn't really like her messing with his stuff (sometimes). But I think he loves to take it away from her and get onto her for playing with his toys. He is really good about putting away "choke toys" which are toys that baby could choke on. I will hear him say something like "No baby, that is a choke toy & you aren't allowed to play with it." It is cute. He is so protective of her.

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