Avery's 6 month bear pictures
Here is Avery's 6 month bear pictures. She is growing so fast!! She weighed in at a whopping 15 lbs 8 oz at her dr's visit. Which puts her in the 50th percentile for height & weight. Her pediatrician said she was "not too small and not too big" and I add "she's just right." I think she's a little keeper. She had to get 2 shots and Collin was so upset that she was getting shots. He didn't go to the appt since he was in school, but just knowing that she had to get shots made him cry. The dr was impressed that she is sitting on her own and especially impressed that she can get in the sitting position by herself. We just KNOW that she's going to be crawling real soon. She LOVES her mommy and hates to be away from me for even a second. She's my sweet little shadow.

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