Collin & Avery Funnies

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Collin & Avery pix

Here are some pix of Collin & Avery. Avery is 8 weeks old & is

smiling all the time. It is so cute!! Collin gets all excited when she

smiles at him. He is still crazy about her. I went to his school last

week for a party and as I'm approaching his class, a little girl in his

class runs to Collin & says "Collin your mom's here." I had baby in

the baby carrier that you wear, so her legs were hanging out. He pulls

off her socks and tells his friends "see my baby's feet." Then he has

me lean down so that his friends can get a better look at her &

then he asks his friends "do you want to kiss her?" It was so sweet! He

just can't get enough of her.
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