Big Brother Class
Collin took the Big Brother Class at the hospital a couple weeks ago.
He was SOOO excited. He "learned" lots of things like how to hold a
baby, not to pick up baby without permission, how to put on & take
off a diaper, and how to swaddle/wrap up a baby. He didn't like holding
the baby because "it was heavy & it hurt my arm." He liked wrapping
the baby up in the blanket. When it came time for the diaper removal,
he only removed one side of the diaper tab & pulled the diaper
off going down the leg. Good thing it was just pretend & not
a real dirty diaper. I don't see him changing diapers anyway.
When the class was over, we got to tour the nursery. He got to see a 2
day old newborn. He thought that was pretty neat. He kept saying "the
baby smiled at me." It was cute.
He is all ready to be a big brother & is SOOO excited that it is
almost time. Everytime I have a doctor's appointment he asks me "Is
Avery going to be born today?" I told him we will make a calendar in a
few days so he can mark off the days until the big arrival.

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