Collin & Avery Funnies

Saturday, November 12, 2005


Well the verdict is in that we are having a GIRL. Collin was hoping for a boy, Tony was hoping for a girl and I was more leaning towards a boy also. But once the ultrasound tech said it was a girl, I got excited. Collin went with us to the ultrasound. The ultrasound tech really catered more towards him and less towards us. The baby was moving her arms around & the tech told Collin "Your sister is waving to you Collin." Then the baby was kicking her legs and Collin thought that was funny. The tech gave him his very own picture of the baby.

After the appointment, I had to "sell" Collin on the idea of having a sister. Most of his friends have little sisters. Once I reminded him of that, he thought it was COOL to have a sister. It also helped when we told him he won't have to share too many of his toys.

The day after the ultrasound appt, Collin decided he wanted to take his ultrasound picture to show his friends at school. At the same time, Tony took one of the pictures for his desk at work. We are all excited about having a baby girl.

We have decided on a first name, but we are still working on a middle name. Her first name is going to AVERY. Collin tells everyone that his sister is "Baby Avery." We are all getting more and more excited for Baby Avery's arrival.
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