Last Soccer Game
Saturday was Collin's last soccer game (and of course the much anticipated moment when he gets his trophy). Collin played 2 games and scored a bunch of goals in each game (we lost count after he scored 7 goals). His coach told us there is a Spring League and we should sign him up because he is really good. That was nice to hear (of course we already knew he was the best on the team).
He was so sxcited when he got his trophy. This was the moment he had been anticipating. When we got to the car, Tony was holding his trophy and Collin kept getting onto to him to "hold it with 2 hand so you don't break it." Once we got home, he went and put it on his bookshelf. Last night, he got it out and was admiring it. He is so proud of himself. We asked him what he wants to play next and he said "baseball, so I can get another trophy."
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