Collin & Avery Funnies

Friday, February 11, 2005

Video Games - like father like son

Collin LOVES video games. He is so "into" them that it is funny and amazing. We have an old stand up arcade game in the garage, and whenever Tony gets home - Collin is all over him to "go in the garage and play the game." The kid is better at it than I am, I mean that doesn't take much - but still he's only 3. He got a V-Smile (kid video game system) for Christmas from Bridgette & Caitlyn & he is a little addict to that as well. I have to hide it from him so he doesn't play it 24/7. He even knows how to hook it up to the TV. He knows that the yellow plug goes in the yellow hole, rred plug - red hole, etc. I wonder what this house is going to be like when Tony & Collin start playing games against each other & start competing over who's turn it is , etc. :)